

Job / Jb 21:1 But Job answered and said, Dia namaly Joba ka nanao hoe: Dia niteny Joba ka nanao hoe: Job prit la parole et dit :
Job / Jb 21:2 Hear diligently my speech, and let this be your consolations. Mihainoa dia mihainoa ny teniko, Ary aoka izany no ho fampiononanareo ahy. Mihainoa, mihainoa ny teniko, aoka mba ho izany ahay no fampiononana azoko aminareo. Écoutez, écoutez mes paroles, accordez-moi cette consolation.
Job / Jb 21:3 Suffer me that I may speak; and after that I have spoken, mock on. Mandefera amiko ianareo, fa mba hiteny kosa aho izao; Ary rehefa tapitra ny teniko, dia mandatsalatsà ihany indray ianareo. Avelao hiteny aho amin' ny anjarako; fa rehefa tapitra ny teniko, mahazo mamelively ihany hianareo. Souffrez que je parle à mon tour; quand j' aurai fini, libre à vous de railler.
Job / Jb 21:4 As for me, is my complaint to man? and if it were so, why should not my spirit be troubled? Raha ny amiko, moa ny ataon' ny olona va no itarainako? Ary raha izany, nahoana no hahalefitra ny fanahiko? Moa olombelona va no alehan' ny fitarainako? Ka aiza no hahatsindriako ny foko? Est-ce que moi je m' en prends à un homme ? Est-ce sans raison que je perds patience ?
Job / Jb 21:5 Mark me, and be astonished, and lay your hand upon your mouth. Jereo aho, dia aoka ho talanjona ianareo, ary mitampena vava. Jereo aho, ka aoka ho talanjona hianareo, ary tampeno ny vavanareo. Prêtez-moi attention : vous serez stupéfaits, et vous mettrez la main sur votre bouche.
Job / Jb 21:6 Even when I remember I am afraid, and trembling taketh hold on my flesh. Eny, raha mahatsiaro izany aho, dia raiki-tahotra, sady toran-kovitra ny tenako: Raha mihevitra izany aho, dia mihoron-koditra, ary tera-kovitra ny nofoko. Moi-même, quand j' y songe, je suis épouvanté, ma chair est saisie d' un frisson.
Job / Jb 21:7 Wherefore do the wicked live, become old, yea, are mighty in power? Nahoana no velona ny ratsy fanahy ka sady tratrantitra no be hery? Nahoana ary no velona ihany ny ratsy fanahy; sady tratra antitra mitombo hery? Pourquoi les méchants restent-ils en vie, vieillissent-ils et accroissent-ils leur puissance ?
Job / Jb 21:8 Their seed is established in their sight with them, and their offspring before their eyes. Ny zanany koa mitomoetra tsara eo anatrehany, ary ny zafiny eo anoloany. Ny taranany mihamahery eo anoloany, ny solofony mandroso laza eo imasony. Leur postérité devant eux s' affermit et leurs rejetons sous leurs yeux subsistent.
Job / Jb 21:9 Their houses are safe from fear, neither is the rod of God upon them. Ny ankohonany miadana ka tsy manan-tahotra, ary ny tsorakazon' Andriamanitra tsy mamely azy. Ny ankohonany mandry fehizay, lavitry ny tahotra, ny tsora-kazon' Andriamanitra tsy mba mikasika azy. La paix de leurs maisons n' a rien à craindre, les rigueurs de Dieu les épargnent.
Job / Jb 21:10 Their bull gendereth, and faileth not; their cow calveth, and casteth not her calf. Ny ombilahiny mampiteraka ka mahavanona; Ny ombivaviny miteraka ka tsy mamotsotra. Ny ombalahiny mahavanona anaka, ny ombivaviny miteraka, tsy mamotsotra. Leur taureau féconde à coup sûr, leur vache met bas sans avorter.
Job / Jb 21:11 They send forth their little ones like a flock, and their children dance. Mamoaka ny zanany madinika toy ny ondry aman' osy izy, ka mikoriana ny zanany. Avelany miriaria toa andian' ny biby fiompy ny zanany, mifalihavanja manodidina azy mbamin' ny zanany vao teraka. Ils laissent courir leurs gamins comme des brebis, leurs enfants bondir.
Job / Jb 21:12 They take the timbrel and harp, and rejoice at the sound of the organ. Mihoby mitondra ampongatapaka sy lokanga izy ary mifaly amin' ny feon-tsodina. Manara-bava ny feon-dokanga aman' ampongatapaka izy ireo, ary mikoriana amin' ny feon-tsodina. Ils chantent avec tambourins et cithares, se réjouissent au son de la flûte.
Job / Jb 21:13 They spend their days in wealth, and in a moment go down to the grave. Mandany ny androny amin' ny fahafinaretana izy; Amin' ny indray mipi-maso monja no idinany any amin' ny fiainan-tsi-hita. Mandany ny androny amin' ny fiadanana izy ireo, fa sombin' andro monja no idinany ho any amin' ny seoly. Leur vie s' achève dans le bonheur, ils descendent en paix au shéol.
Job / Jb 21:14 Therefore they say unto God, Depart from us; for we desire not the knowledge of thy ways. Kanefa anie ireo no manao amin' Andriamanitra hoe: Mialà aminay! Fa tsy mba irinay ny hahalala ny lalanao. Hoy anefa ireny amin' Andriamanitra: Miala aminay; fa tsy te-hahalala izay lalanao akory izahay. Eux, pourtant, disent à Dieu : " Écarte-toi de nous, connaître tes voies ne nous plaît pas!
Job / Jb 21:15 What is the Almighty, that we should serve him? and what profit should we have, if we pray unto him? Zinona izay Tsitoha, no hotompoinay? Ary inona no soa ho azonay, raha mivavaka aminy? Zinona moa ny Tsitoha, no ho tompoinay? Inona no ho azonay amin' izay fivavahana aminy? Qu' est-ce que Shaddaï pour que nous le servions, quel profit pour nous à l' invoquer ? "
Job / Jb 21:16 Lo, their good is not in their hand: the counsel of the wicked is far from me. Indro, tsy avy amin' ny tenany ihany ny fahafinaretany! Ho lavitra ahy anie ny fisainan' ny ratsy fanahy! Moa tsy efa eo an-tanany va, ny fiadanan' izy ireo? - Kanefa, lavira ahy anie, ny fisainan' ny tsy mivavaka! - Ne tiennent-ils pas leur bonheur en main, et Dieu n' est-il pas écarté du conseil des méchants ?
Job / Jb 21:17 How oft is the candle of the wicked put out! and how oft cometh their destruction upon them! God distributeth sorrows in his anger. Indraindray foana no mba maty ny jiron' ny ratsy fanahy, sy tonga ny loza manjo azy. Ary amelaran' Andriamanitra fandrika ireny noho ny fahatezerany, Mba fahita matetika va ny hoe, maty ny fanilon' ny tsy mivavaka, iantsamboaran-doza izy ireo, na nanendren' Andriamanitra anjara aminny hatezerany izy ireo? Voit-on souvent la lampe des méchants s'éteindre, le malheur fondre sur eux, la Colère divine distribuer des souffrances ?
Job / Jb 21:18 They are as stubble before the wind, and as chaff that the storm carrieth away. Ka tonga tahaka ny mololo voatetika indaosin' ny rivotra izy sy tahaka ny akofa entin' ny tafio-drivotra. Moa toa mololo indaosin' ny rivotra no ahitana azy, sy toy ny akofa paohin' ny tadio? Sont-ils comme la paille face au vent, comme la bale qu' emporte l' ouragan ?
Job / Jb 21:19 God layeth up his iniquity for his children: he rewardeth him, and he shall know it. Andriamanitra, hoy ianareo, mbola hampijaly ny zanany noho ny helodrainy! Tsia; fa ny tenan' ireny ihany no aoka hovaliany, mba hahalalany. Hoy hianareo: atokan' Andriamanitra ho an' ny zanany ny sazy afitsony azy. Fa aoka ny tenan' Andriamanitra no hanasazy azy mba ho tsaroany, Dieu se réserverait de le punir dans ses enfants ? Mais qu' il soit donc châtié lui-même et qu' il le sache!
Job / Jb 21:20 His eyes shall see his destruction, and he shall drink of the wrath of the Almighty. Aoka ny masony ihany no hahita ny loza manjo azy, ary aoka ny tenany ihany no hisotro ny fahatezeran' ny Tsitoha. sy ho hitan' ny masony ny faharinganany, ary hosotroin' ny tenany ny fahatezeran' ny Tsitoha! Que, de ses yeux, il assiste à sa ruine, qu' il s' abreuve à la fureur de Shaddaï!
Job / Jb 21:21 For what pleasure hath he in his house after him, when the number of his months is cut off in the midst? Fa mampaninona azy moa ny amin' ny taranany mandimby azy, raha tapaka ny isan' ny androny? Mampaninona azy izay manjo ny taranany aty aoriana, rahefa tapaka hatreo ny isan' ny volana hiainany. Que peut lui faire, après lui, le sort de sa maison, quand la série de ses mois sera tranchée ?
Job / Jb 21:22 Shall any teach God knowledge? seeing he judgeth those that are high. Moa Andriamanitra va no hampianarim-pahalalana, nefa Izy no mitsara ny any an-danitra aza? Andriamanitra va no hotoroana fahendrena, nefa ny tafasandratra indrindra aza, mbola tsarainy? Mais enseigne-t-on à Dieu la science, à Celui qui juge les êtres d' en haut ?
Job / Jb 21:23 One dieth in his full strength, being wholly at ease and quiet. Maty ny anankiray, raha tsy mbola mihena ny fahatanjahany, sady miadana tokoa ka tsy manana ahiahy; Ny iray maty ao anatin' ny fiadanana, ny hafinaretana amam-pianinany lavorary; Tel encore meurt en pleine vigueur, au comble du bonheur et de la paix,
Job / Jb 21:24 His breasts are full of milk, and his bones are moistened with marrow. Feno ronono ny fitoeran-drononony, ary vonton-tsoka ny taolany. ny valahany manotraky ny taviny; ny taolany feno tsoka mandranoka. les flancs chargés de graisse et la moelle de ses os tout humide.
Job / Jb 21:25 And another dieth in the bitterness of his soul, and never eateth with pleasure. Ary ny anankiray maty amin' ny fahorian' ny fanahiny kosa ka tsy mba nanandrana soa akory. Ny iray kosa maty amin' ny fahorian' ny fanahiny, tsy mba nanandrana izay fiadanana akory. Et tel autre périt l' amertume dans l'âme, sans avoir goûté au bonheur.
Job / Jb 21:26 They shall lie down alike in the dust, and the worms shall cover them. Samy mandry ao amin' ny vovoka izy roa tonta, ka feno olitra ny tenany. Samy mandry eo amin' ny vovoka izy roa tonta; samy rakotr' olitra ny tenan' izy roa tonta! Ensemble, dans la poussière, ils se couchent, et la vermine les recouvre.
Job / Jb 21:27 Behold, I know your thoughts, and the devices which ye wrongfully imagine against me. Indro, fantatro ny hevitrareo sy ny saim-petsy amelezanareo ahy; Endrey! fantatro tsara ny hevitrareo; mbamin' ny fitsarana tsy marina amelezanareo ahy. Oh! je sais bien quelles sont vos idées, vos mauvaises pensées sur mon compte.
Job / Jb 21:28 For ye say, Where is the house of the prince? and where are the dwelling places of the wicked? Fa hoy ianareo: Aiza ny tranon' ny mpitohatoha? Ary aiza ny lay fitoeran' ny ratsy fanahy? Fa hoy hianareo: Aiza ny tranon' ny mpampahory? Zary inona ny lay nitoeran' ny tsy mivavaka? " Qu' est devenue, dites-vous, la maison du grand seigneur, où est la tente qu' habitaient des méchants ? "
Job / Jb 21:29 Have ye not asked them that go by the way? and do ye not know their tokens, Kanefa tsy mba nanontany tamin' ny mpandeha amin' ny tany lavitra va ianareo? Ary tsy heverinareo va ny zava-mahagaga, ambaran' Ireo hoe: Tsy mbola mba nanontany mpandeha lavitra va hianareo, ka tsy mahalala ny zavatra ambarany? N' interrogez-vous pas les voyageurs, méconnaissez-vous leurs témoignages ?
Job / Jb 21:30 That the wicked is reserved to the day of destruction? they shall be brought forth to the day of wrath. Amin' ny andro hahitan-doza dia voaaro ihany ny ratsy fanahy, ary amin' ny andro fahatezerana dia enti-miala izy? Amin' ny andron' ny fahoriana, voatsimbina ny ratsy fanahy; amin' ny andron' ny fahatezerana, afak' alanalana izy! Au jour du désastre, le méchant est épargné, au jour de la fureur, il est mis à l' abri.
Job / Jb 21:31 Who shall declare his way to his face? and who shall repay him what he hath done? Iza no hanambara ny lalany eo anatrehany? Ary raha misy zavatra nataony, iza no sahy hamaly azy? Iza akory no maniny ny fitondran-tenany eo anoloany? Iza akory no nampamoaka izay nataony? Et qui donc lui reproche en face sa conduite, et lui rend ce qu' il a fait ?
Job / Jb 21:32 Yet shall he be brought to the grave, and shall remain in the tomb. Ary ho entina ho eny an-tany fandevonana izy ka mbola hitazana ao am-pasana; Amim-panajana no itondrana azy halevina, ary misy miambina eo amin' ny fasany. Il est emporté au cimetière, où il veille sur son tertre.
Job / Jb 21:33 The clods of the valley shall be sweet unto him, and every man shall draw after him, as there are innumerable before him. Ho mamy aminy ny bainga any an-dohasaha, ary ny olona rehetra hanaraka azy, toy ny nandehanan' ny maro tany alohany. Ho maivana aminy ny bainga any an-dohany, sady ny olona rehetra hanaraka azy any avokoa, toy ireo maro tany alohany, izay efa nialoha azy any. Les mottes du ravin lui sont douces, et, derrière lui, toute la population défile.
Job / Jb 21:34 How then comfort ye me in vain, seeing in your answers there remaineth falsehood? Endrey! ity ianareo mba mampionona ahy foana! Ary ny famalianareo anefa, raha voasana tsara, dia lainga ihany! Ka inona no hevitr' izao fampiononam-poana ataonareo izao? Fanomezam-bohony avokoa no hany sisa amin' izao valin-teninareo izao. Que signifient donc vos vaines consolations ? Et quelle tromperie que vos réponses!
